Tuesday, September 29, 2009

3 years....

So much for the blogging hiatus...LOL. I really had intentions of being a better blogger but once again time got the best of me!

Anhyhow, this past week our household celebrated yet another joyous event-

3 years of marriage :)

This was then-

And this is now-

The most precious gift that David and I can give one another is the little bun in the oven (pictured above). Our little bun is 20 weeks in the above pic.

So much has happened in the 3 years we have spent as husband and wife. Each and every moment has been such a blessing- I am so thankful to God for blessing me with the best man I could have ever dreamed of..he truly is my prince charming ;)


Melissa said...

Very cute pictures! :)

BabyBokChoy said...

You were a stunningly gorgeous bride, no wonder though, you were a Disney Princess!!! hee hee