Monday, August 25, 2008

Guess what's coming???

So do you all realize what's right around the corner? The Holidays!!!! I know it is very hard to believe but the holiday season is upon us my friends- look around you and you'll start to see the sure signs. The aisles are beginning to fill with holiday decor, and that surely means that the days of Starbucks Pumpkin Latte's are right behind :)- That makes me one happy camper/I mean crafter- LOL! Another sure sign of the holidays are the publications that are brimming with holiday inspiration-In fact, I received my complementary issue of CK Media's special publication, Holiday Home.

Now I'm sure some of you are probably saying to yourselves, Holiday Home? I've never heard of it before. Well that' because this is the one and only issue of Holiday Home, formerly Homegrown Hospitality turned Home and Heart. You may recall that I've had the incredible honor of being a contributing artist to all three previous issues of this awesome publication, and am sad to say that this newly released issue will be the last publication of what began as Homegrown Hospitality. It's difficult to understand why certain things happen as they do, but all I know is that each and every issue of this publication has left me and I'm sure countless others completely inspired. I admire the perseverance and integrity of Mrs. Stephanie Ackerman, who was the master mind and phenomenal artist behind the creation of Homegrown Hospitality.

I urge you all to look for this publication on your local news stands- It is a beautiful publication. Trust me, It will leave you inspired and you'll be ready to get a head start on your holiday crafting :). Here's a peak at one of the projects I created that it is found in Holiday Home Magazine... A Holiday Gift for your Deer


Stephanie SM said...

I LOVE IT! My name is deer. Does that mean it is for me?

buggin2stamp said...

That is so wild. I just bought this magazine tonight. It is sitting open next to me right now. I will check out the cool stuff you contributed. Your blog is awesome by the way.