At 9 months old, Makayla is:
*Completly mobile. Although she is not walking she is EVERYWHERE! She has been scooting in the kitchen, the hallways, the dining room, the living room, basically anywhere you sit her down she will be traveling into the next room in just a matter of minutes/seconds.

*Loves to stand like a big girl and has officially taken her first steps with the assistance of holding onto the couch, table, or a hand helper (like grandma :)

*Attended her 1st. park party hosted by her buddy Ryker's family

* Had her 1st. trip to the pumpkin patch. She was by far the cutest pumpkin in the whole patch but I'm of course bias because I'm her mommy :)!

* Is not enjoying the savor flavors of teething biscuits and yogurt in addition to all the veggies, fruits, and meat that mommy conjures up.
*Celebrated her great-grandmother Myers' 89th. B-day

* Loves, loves, loves her bouncy. We can sit there for a very long time and be completly enterained by our lil sweets who will literally jump FOREVER. In fact, sometimes she wears herself out so much that she will catch some z's inbetween bounce sessions. Ha!

* Loving her bottle bear that great-grandma Stoughton made for her (especially since she is lil miss independent now that she can give herself her own bottle ;) Actually it's kinda nice because it takes a good 15 min. off of our getting ready routine :)

*Is starting to get into A LOT of things (time to baby proof!!) Mama has had to tell her "No" in a very stern voice and every single time she looks at me with those big blue's and then gives me a huge grin. How can I not laugh when I see this

Baby girl- You amaze us each and every day. You are a constant reminder of the grace of God- Your daddy and I look forward to the many more precious moments we will share together as a family- We love you pumpkin!

Precious! It's so hard to believe she's 9 months & on the go!! Time flies w/our babies!! :/
CUTENESS! I can't believe our little's are already nine months old! She is such a sweetheart, it is a joy to watch her grow and now start to explore!
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